Do you want to live unforgettable moments in Italy? Been looking for a unique and different way to spend a day? Well, look no further.

Come to visit Gladiator School in Rome and become a Gladiator for a day. Or live the dream driving a Ferrari around the streets of the Italian Capital passing by all the famous monuments.  Rome Tour in a Carriage is a lovely way to visit the city that gives you the chance to feel an incredible emotion that flows and goes with the sweet sound of a horse carriage ride, an emotion that will remain in your memory forever.

In Florence you can take a dip into the atmosphere of the Renaissance era, spending an evening in the beautiful setting of the ancient halls of a stately home with music and actors dressed of that period of time.

We have the photographer’s delight where our professional photographer will instruct you on how to take the best shots in some unique and lesser known locations while on this interactive and delightfully informative tour through Venice.

How about a taste of a Venetian fisherman’s life? You may wish to journey the island of the lagoons onboard a Venetian fishing boat, where you can experience it all first hand-now how does that sound for unique?

And we can offer you much more.

CONTACT US for your special activity in Italy!


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